
In the following, you can find a list of highlighted publications with short summaries. For all publications, please see my Google Scholar profile.

paper: Lobentanzer S#, Feng S, Bruderer N, Maier A, BioChatter Consortium, Wang C, Baumbach J, Abreu-Vicente J, Krehl N, Ma Q, Lemberger T, Saez-Rodriguez J# (2025) A platform for the biomedical application of large language models Nature Biotechnology. doi: (#: corresponding authors)

Peer-reviewed version of the preprint from 2023. More info at

perspective: Lobentanzer S#, Rodriguez-Mier P, Bauer S, Saez-Rodriguez J# (2024) Molecular causality in the advent of foundation models Molecular Systems Biology. doi: (#: corresponding authors)

Exploration of and perspective on the tradeoff between simplicity and complexity in molecular modelling, with a focus on current trends in deep learning and their potential application in causal inference.

preprint: Lobentanzer S#, Saez-Rodriguez J# (2023) A platform for the biomedical application of Large Language Models arXiv, doi: (#: corresponding authors)

BioChatter is an extension of the BioCypher ecosystem that enables the modular integration of Large Language Models into biomedical workflows. Its prototype frontends ( demonstrate some capabilities of the framework in facilitating human-machine collaboration.

paper: Lobentanzer S#, BioCypher Consortium, Saez-Rodriguez J# (2023) Democratizing knowledge representation with BioCypher Nature Biotechnology, 41, 1056–1059, doi:, openly available at (#: corresponding authors)

Publication introducing the BioCypher framework, a modular and extensible knowledge representation framework written in Python. The framework is designed to be accessible to non-experts and to facilitate the integration of knowledge from different sources.

review: Garrido-Rodriguez M, Zirngibl K, Ivanova O, Lobentanzer S, Saez-Rodriguez J (2022) Integrating knowledge and omics to decipher mechanisms via large-scale models of signaling networks Molecular Systems Biology, 18:e11036, doi:

An overview of computational methods to evaluate signal transduction at the protein interaction layer. Briefly, the methods are heterogeneous in design as well as in purpose, and a medium-term objective should be the harmonisation and benchmarking of these methods to establish a baseline for the performance of signal propagation network modelling in molecular biology.

monograph: Lobentanzer S (2020) Small RNA Dynamics in Cholinergic Systems. Dissertation, defended 2nd of October 2020 (summa cum laude), available at

The magnum opus from my PhD. In large parts related to the 2019 Cell Reports paper and the 2020 PNAS paper.

paper: Lobentanzer S, Klein J, Soreq H (2020) Establishing human male and female models of cholinergic neurons via neurokine-mediated differentiation of LA-N-2 and LA-N-5 neuroblastoma cells. STAR Protocols, 1 (3), doi:

Elaboration on the cell culture developed for the 2019 Cell Reports paper.

paper: Winek K, Lobentanzer S, Nadorp B, Dubnov S, Dames C, Jagdmann S, Moshitzky G, Hotter B, Meisel C, Greenberg DS, Shifman S, Klein J, Shenhar-Tsarfaty S, Meisel A, Soreq H (2020) Transfer RNA fragments replace microRNA regulators of the cholinergic post-stroke immune blockade. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 117 (51) 32606-32616, doi: (: equal contribution)

The second major publication resulting from my PhD. Small RNA species observed after a sizeable infarction in the brain of human patients show distinct pattern shifts between microRNAs and tRNA-derived fragments. While the functional implications are as yet unclear, tRNA fragments are an interesting emerging regulatory mechanism with potential of fast (immediate early-type) response times. We elucidated the background of several candidate molecules found and developed ways of validating their relevance in human- and mouse-derived experiments.

paper: Lobentanzer S, Hanin G, Klein J, Soreq H (2019) Integrative Transcriptomics Reveals Sexually Dimorphic Control of the Cholinergic/Neurokine Interface in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. Cell Reports 29(3):764-777.e5, doi:

The first major publication resulting from my PhD. Informed by a meta-analysis of human brain transcriptome samples and single-cell expression patterns, we develop a human neuronal cell culture system to study small RNA dynamics under cholinergic differentiation caused by neurokines. We identify families of microRNAs related to the differentiation process, which we cross-reference with disease processes in psychiatric diseases. In vitro interventional experiments confirm predictions of the pivotal microRNA miR-125b-5p in transcriptional cholinergic regulation.